He had a passion for music, the clarinet, and dancing – even breaking out into an impromptu dance for all to see.
But in July 2018, after a week of fevers and tonsillitis, Logan’s pediatrician ordered extensive lab work. Just 9-weeks before his 11th birthday, he was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). Logan immediately began chemo treatments and his “fighter’s mentality” helped him through six months of treatment. After reviewing his blood work, his doctors declared him “CANCER FREE.” He would continue with routine check-ups and mild chemo to keep cancer away. Logan and his family resumed life as before – enjoying family time, vacations, cuddling with his two dogs. In March 2019, he even returned to his elementary school – Kyrene De La Sierra. In August 2019, Logan started 6th grade in remission and anxiously awaited his 12th birthday in September. When that day came, Logan celebrated with a large party filled with friends, family, tacos, cupcakes, and video games. It was a grand day of celebrating all Logan had accomplished!
In December 2019, during routine lab work, Logan relapsed. He had stayed in remission for 8-months, but new Leukemia cells were in his blood. With this relapse came another round of chemotherapy and the potential for a bone marrow transplant. Logan spent all of December (including Christmas) at Phoenix Children’s Hospital (PCH) with continued treatments and ensuring no new infections. He was released from PCH in early January 2020 after spending 35 days in the hospital and receiving 5-doses of chemotherapy. He faced every difficulty with a dose of sarcastic humor and courage. About a week after his release, the family received great news. Logan was 100% matched with a bone marrow donor and would receive a bone marrow transplant soon. However, his most recent lab results showed Leukemia cells still present in his bone marrow, which postponed the bone marrow transplant.
At the end of January 2020, Logan entered the hospital for another round of chemo treatments, and at the beginning of March 2020, he was released and began outpatient chemo treatments. In early April 2020, his bone marrow biopsy came back negative. Logan was eligible to receive a bone marrow transplant from his 100% matched donor in May 2020.
After his transplant in May 2020, Logan battled through the recovery process, and in June 2020, he was again declared “CANCER FREE” by his doctors. Another milestone for Logan and his family. He continued with routine check-ups and chemotherapy infusions to ensure cancer remained away. He continued to regain his strength and celebrate being home with his family and friends. In September 2020, Logan celebrated his 13th birthday with a car parade. It was a special day for Logan, and he enjoyed seeing his friends and family.
From September 2020 through January 2020, Logan continued to recover from Leukemia and live his life to the fullest. Logan enjoyed another eight months in remission, but in February 2021, his bone marrow biopsy showed another relapse of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells. Treatment options were limited but, his doctors agreed that another treatment of chemo drugs and ultimately another bone marrow transplant from a direct DNA source (mother, father, or sister) was best for Logan. This treatment would place Logan in the hospital for six months.
Logan began his chemo treatments in March 2021. As treatments continued, Logan would have good and bad days, yet his positivity and warrior mentality prevailed through it all. By mid-April 2021, doctors found excess fluid around his heart, an infection, and biopsies showed more Leukemia cells. In June 2021, with Logan’s cancer spreading throughout his body, he was admitted to the CAR-T trial in Los Angeles. After being admitted to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, his health rapidly deteriorated. He was in the ICU for three days, but the cancer was too strong, his body too weak. Logan chose to go home, to his house – his room. He never gave up – he fought till the end.
As his family grieved, planning for a celebration of life commenced just as Logan had requested. And on June 28, 2021, his family, friends, and many, many more of his supporters came together to celebrate his life.